Community Awareness Initiative

Sustainability is key when it comes to the community gardening project. We aim to provide the homeless with a
means of sustaining themselves within an economy that is driving people into the ground.

We do not provide the end products of the solution, rather we provide the raw materials, skills and mentoring to allow all affected individuals to achieve their goals and resolve their problems. This allows them to take pride and ownership of the meal they enjoy at night knowing their stomach will be full, their energy recharged to face another day. Allowing individuals to find a sense of accomplishment in their efforts and the results obtained.

Sustainable Cookbook.

Going Hand in Hand with Our Community Gardens, NERD will be Compiling a Cookbook with Delicious, Flavourful and easy to Prepare Recipes that use Backyard Garden Vegetables as the Main Ingredients.  It is aimed at being both Informative and thought Provocative by Expanding the Limitations of Backyard Cooking.

Community Sustainability Recipes Blog.

Here is how you can help us:

Our community gardening project I initiated through the provision of seeds, growing guides, and digging equipment and individuals who have the desire, to empower themselves and lift themselves out of their current socio-economic conditions.

We adopt a problem-centred approach with a holistic scope in research and solution development.