Monique: Founder and Director


Our success lies in our ability to open-mindedly observe and understand the social, economic, and cultural factors that shape our daily lives.

Establishing our vision to remedy the ills festering in our society accordingly.

Ethnography – Flow Diagram

The structure of our understanding, method and approach is interconnected, complex and requires an open mind to fully embrace. Understand each element individually, their relation to each other and the social entity.

Ricardo: Director


When you view the world with an open mind, you can identify the few who are worthy of trust and the opportunity for self-improvement. It is these individuals who we will nurture into their best selves.

Claudia: Director


By immersing ourselves into different cultures as a means of observing and understanding their respective habits and lifestyles. It is only through this that we can identify the difficulties that people are facing in this day and age.

Working together to find a solution.

Reece Ronnie: Director


Through perspective and empathy we feel compassion, and gift it unto those who deserve it. And only by understanding the lives and experiencing the hardships of others can we appreciate the purest form of compassion. Life can be an uphill climb, and it is one that no one should go at alone.

By being compassionate, by stepping into the shoes of others, we as a society can flourish together in a future where we see each other as equals.

